Headin' Down the Road
It’s been fifteen years since I began blogging on a weekly, then twice weekly basis. It’s been a long-term project. But time has come to end this chapter of the project (Scroll down and take a look at the January 2 blog post) and move on to a different take on Postcards from the Creative Journey.
Postcards from the Creative Journey as a Typepad blog is no longer going to be a twice a week event. The blog will be episodic, adding new content when I feel something worthwhile to share with you.
New content Postcards from the Creative Journey will now be located in my publication The Lipka Journal, published monthly. I’m starting to assemble a collection of my best blog posts, “100 Thoughts on Creative Photography” which will be free and downloadable from my website.
I would like to thank you for reading my blog for these many years and wish you the best.
Don't forget to click on that link to my website. There's a brand new Postcard in the latest issue of the The Lipka Journal.