Interior, Jones Cottage, Cary, NC
While considering the tasks at hand to complete my current photographic obligations, it did occur to me that my version of photography today is complicated. Thirty or so years ago I decided to try to do my very best in being a photographer. I had to learn how to expose and develop film and make prints. Mounting, matting and framing were the final skills needed for those of us on a budget. We could then hang the finished print on the wall.
Not so much today.
Now, along with my Digital cameras, lots of software, I have multiple avenues to an audience. There are now many things to learn about how to display photographs; Graphic design, typography, creative writing, editing and mastering all the software to do that. There is a another whole set of “meta” skills required to make the use of the creative software such as managing image databases and the operating system of your own computer. Most importantly, for those of us that show most of our photographs on the web there is an ever evolving set of skills required to help people find your photographs.
While the opportunities to share photographs with other photographers has grown, so too has the number of skills needed to make such sharing possible.
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