This was among the first photographs I made with a new digital camera. The two hundred page manual only had about twenty pages of (what I considered) useful functions, so those pages were all I learned. This is what I wanted to learn and felt confident in the use of the camera. Now, on to using the camera in the field...
After making this photograph, I accidentally touched some unknown combination of tiny buttons on the camera and the camera came alive. The EVF began a slide show of my recent photographs, panning and scanning each image and playing some very nice synthetic guitar music. I started laughing because what else was there to do? With no idea how to stop the slide show, I turned the camera off and hoped that the show wouldn't continue when I turned the camera on again.
The lesson learned is you do actually have to learn how to use all the functions of a camera. Which means you do actually have to RTFM.
*As an IT veteran I know there are other interpretations of this Acronym.
This is blog number 600. Wow. A very big thank you to all of you for stopping by and reading these weekly Postcards from the Creative Journey.