If your chosen photographic medium were to disappear, what would you do? Consider some of the more obscure photographic processes of the past that are no longer commercially viable. Platinotype paper is not longer commercially available. People who want to make platinotypes have learned how to mix their own sensitizers and coat their own paper. If you define yourself in terms of a specific medium what do you do when your medium, or the components that allow you to create your medium are no longer available?
Would you try to move on to another form of photographic technology, or would you give up all together and use your artistic skills in another area, say watercolors?
For a brief period in the 1990's commercially coated platinum paper was available. I thought it was wonderful. Alas, there were not enough of us to make that venture profitable. My preferred medium disappeared. I learned how to coat my own paper and did so for about ten years.