If you take years to do something the internet world probably won’t take notice of it. How often have you found a thread in a photo forum you could contribute to that is three pages back? You could comment but no one will see it because it’s three pages back. The internet has velocity.
That’s pretty much all that needs to be said about it. The half-life of art created to be viewed on the internet is probably a day or two at best. Should you be the type of person paying attention to what is being created on the internet you know art is constantly created, constantly changed and there is the hope it will be constantly improved.
On the other hand, the Internet never forgets and what you created can always be found if someone uses the appropriate search engine. While your work may be almost immediately forgotten, it can be seen and appreciated at some future time (don’t we all hope).
What we create can always be “new” to someone, somewhere just because they haven’t seen it yet. Consider classical music. The music of Back, Beethoven and Mozart has been around for hundreds of years. Yet every day someone is introduced to their music for the first time.
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